The question of when a relationship is committed is a source of much confusion and debate.
VS commitment. Promise
I recently had a woman who told me just a "committed" relationship was broken off, had a conversation with.
We talked about pre-committed vs. committed relationships, and it was agreed that this was a pre-committed relationship, but insisted that a second "commitment" was made.
Well, things are getting clearer. On one hand, pre-committed vs. committed relationships, and commitments made within the relationship are on the other hand the situation. Macro vs. micro. There are two different things, right?
In our conversation, it occurred to me a "commitment" versus one to make a distinction between "promise." They had not committed within the context of a relationship that made a promise to each other. Help her to distinguish things that seemed to make more sense.
I "commitment vs. promise" distinction RCI coaches asked to respond, most felt that it was just words and there is not much of a difference. General consensus was that when you make a promise you are making a commitment.
Well, I agree that it is a question of semantics, and here is my definition of terms:
Promise: a specific task for the future intend to oral is called.
I pick up my dry cleaning and not forget the promise - I promise to be exclusive in our relationship
Commitment: both the behavior and thoughts and beliefs, coupled with the attitude demonstrated by FACT.
- I am committed to keep my promises - I am committed to our relationship
In short, a promise to tell you something, and a commitment to do something. A promise is situation specific. A commitment is contextual.
A promise is a small commitment. If a potential partner does not keep promises, I question his ability to keep commitments, as they certainly are related.
Confusion about the commitment
Whether or not you agree with my words, I made a distinction between a commitment and a promise for the talks were helpful.
The big picture, though the relationships I see a lot of confusion about the situation. A few years ago when the word "prior commitment" to describe couples that were committed but not yet unique wrought, it was a useful difference, but the question remains - "What is commitment?"
When you are married, it is clear that you are in a committed relationship. Your commitment is a legal contract and is a publicly FACT. However, one or both partners is a non-committal attitude is common for couples in trouble for.
I have spoken with many single people, female, who has described himself as "committed relationships." He has the vision, but often nothing but verbal (and sometimes not even that!) Promises to demonstrate that the relationship is committed.
Mika: there is always pressure
12 years ago